There was only one gift left under the Christmas tree. Eddie picked up a tiny box. He un-wrapped the box for Columbia and opened it; inside, there was a shiny diamond engagement ring. "Will you marry me?" Eddie kneeled and asked.
"NO!" Columbia answered. Her NO caught Eddie's attention.
"What?" Eddie was confused. They had been dating since forever, so he asked again, "Why? I love you with all my heart!" "Because... my mother told me to only say 'yes' after a boy asked for the third time." "Okay, will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Riff, how many times did I ask?"
"What? I wasn't paying attention. Ten... Eleven times... I don't know," Riff Raff released Magenta's lips and answered Eddie. He then locked lips with Magenta again.
Eddie faced Columbia again and asked, "Is this good enough?" "Yes!" Columbia answered and stole a kiss from Eddie. Eddie hugged Columbia tightly and started to make out with her next to the Christmas tree.
"Look like there is nothing for me to do here. I better go find Rocky now. I hope he is not still angry with me. I hate to sleep alone at night," Frank signed and left the room.